Community Services
Reaching out to those in need in the name of Jesus Christ!

Pastor Jim & Joanna Faillace
Neighbors In Need Community Services is a non-denominational Christ centered ministry devoted to providing food, emergency supplies, flowers, and prayer to the neediest of our community and those effected by natural disasters and personal loss.
When Jesus taught his disciples about loving one’s neighbor, He used these words: I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. Matthew 25:40
Since 1998, Neighbors In Need Community Services has served the needy in the communities of Central Virginia. Jim and Joanna Faillace, the ministry's founders and directors, along with volunteers and supporters, “reach out to those in need in the name of Jesus Christ.”
Neighbors In Need Community Services is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that relies on the generous financial gifts of compassionate individuals, churches and businesses. If God is leading you to partner with us to reach out to those in need, please make your secure online gift by clicking the donate tab here on the Home Page. All financial gifts to Neighbors In Need Ministries are tax deductible.
We gratefully appreciate your support. Together we can make a big difference!
Please Support Neighbors In Need Community Services
We cant' do it without your help. Your tax deductible financial gift will allow us to continue to meet the needs for our Central Virginia communities. Please click on the donate tab below.

Hope for the Homeless!
Hope for the Homeless provides shelter for those who are temporarily homeless due to misfortune, natural disasters, and crises, and do not have the means to secure safe shelter.
Please consider making a donation to Neighbors In Need so we can give refuge to those who have no place to go.
A special thank you to all who partnered with Neighbors In Need these past two months as we together provided temporary shelter, food, clothing, personal care items, and pet supplies to 7 homeless individuals and/or families. Your generosity and compassion continues to bring hope for the homeless this winter.
New Floral Ministry!
Each Wednesday, Neighbors In Need receives flowers and/or potted plants and offers them to those experiencing tragedy or loss, or who are in need of encouragement. If you know of anyone who you'd like to bless with flowers, please send us a message from our "Contact Us" page.
Please take a moment to review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for additional information.